A. Overview
In general, fresh water environment can be divided into two types, namely lactic or freshwater environments that do not move, and lotic freshwater environments or engaged. Based on these distinctions, the lake can be classified into the aquatic environment that is not moving. As an aquatic environment that is not moving, the lake has clear boundaries, namely the banks of the lake, the lake, surface water, and the walls of the lake.
In Bengkulu Province, there is a beautiful lake called Lake Grudge Not There, which by the Government of Indonesia designated as conservation areas. The lake is famous for its rich flora and fauna has been amended several times expansion of the area.
First, in 1936, the Government of the Netherlands East Indies establish this area as a nature reserve by 1936 No. Stb. 325 dated June 17, 1936 with an area of 11.5 hectares. Second, in 1979, and by the Governor of Bengkulu No. 1666/B4-1/1979 dated May 15, 1979, this area dipeluas be 430 hectares. Third, in 1999, through the Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 420/Kpts-II/1999 dated June 15, 1999, Lake nature reserve area Grudge was already expanding to 577 acres.
B. FeatureIt's Not Revenge Lakes region is a nature reserve area which has a charming natural beauty and save a lot of potential for preservation of ecology and ecosystem balance. The lake is surrounded by heavily wooded hills is a major habitat for rare endemic plants, namely pencil orchid (Vanda hookeriana). In 2003, the Coordinating Agency for Natural Resources (KSDA) Bengkulu City, says there are five main functions played by the Lake It's not revenge, namely: (1) as a conservation area for biodiversity, (2) as a source of water used for the purposes irrigation, (3) as a water reserve area, (4) as a natural learning media Untk scientific interest, and (5) as a place of recreation.
In this lake also lived several rare fish species that come from family Anabantidae, namely Trichogaster trihopterus, Helstoma termminchi, Trichogaster pectoralis, Anabas testudieus, and Polcampus hasselti, from the family Bagridae Mystus sp, and from the family Cyprinidae is Mystacoleucus marginatus and Rasbora sumatranus.
C. LocationLake Grudge not been located in the Gulf Segara Subdistrict, District-wide, and Talang District, Bengkulu Utara, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia.
D. Ticket PricesIn the confirmation.
E. Access
Lake Nature Reserve Not Revenge It is about 7 km from the central city of Bengkulu, specifically in the direction the City Curup. From the city of Bengkulu, visitors can use public transport / bus majoring in Bengkulu - Lake Grudge Not Already with travel time about 30 minutes.
F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
In Lake Grudge Not Already available facilities such as equipment for fishing and canoes that can be used to get around the lake. For visitors who want to stay and require more complete facilities, can visit the City Carep or the city of Bengkulu. In both cities there are facilities and a fairly complete fafilitas such as hotels, restaurants, malls, mini market, a place of worship, and others.